Friday, August 24, 2012

done wit BIO.hmm,,ayie x bawak balik textbook sej.cmne nk siapkan soalan kuiz ni??
hahha,,mcm susah je kan aku buat soalan. -,-
xp2,,yg msuk 2 dorm8 aku a.k.a bedm8
wuhuuu!! GO TIZU n MAMA
nk kena siapkan ASAP klu x nnt pn Nakimah cri aku mcm beliau cari anisa fariha

btw,,aku layan dia semalam.sbb??
k aku admit la mcm jilat ludah sdri.tah la,,
i'm not expect anything.
kan dah cakap yg xreti budak2 macam 2,so.
pandai2 la. =='

ya Allah,,
lindungilah aku

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I want the Best for ALL

like akk say let's do the Hajat.

Ya Allah,,give the BEST for us
you know better than US
only YOU.we really need the TRUTH
'Ihdinal Siratol Mustaqiim'
then,HE will answer
 'anything to my SLAVE'

so,,do Istikharah.ask HIM for GUIDANCE
HE will help YOU,Insya-Allah
JazakALLAHu Khairan

Sunday, August 19, 2012

It's Hari Raya

already 1st Syawal.*speechless
tah la,,maybe sbb i'm already 16 so,the hari raya is no more happening and i'm not like to feel excited with it.
Ya Allah!tah la,btol2 heartless ni
with all people that should i call it crowd coming to mak's house.*sigh

my mood has been spoil with all the crowd esp .........
how la others bole than dgn suara bdak2 ni ngis je.
so,hope i will meet syawal again

Saturday, August 18, 2012

a lot of thanks

already 1839 of last day of Ramadhan. tomorrow should be 1 Syawal. alhamdulillah Allah give me another opportunity to have Ramadhan dis year.Thanks to HIM a lot.

tahun ini,,dapat rasa kenal dengan akk2 OSEM. I would like 2 be one of them someday.a fine day. Allah, give thats chance.

tahun ni,,rasa cm mne sweet nye frenship with those GIRLS.they let me laugh until i knock to the ground.

tahun ni,,rasa cm mana panasnye Bumi Allah n I slept on evening because too exhausted for attending school straight from 7.20 until 4.00 without giving break to sleep.*sigh

nway,,how sad I am because can't feel the few days of Ramadhan almost every's okay Allah know the BEST for me.