Monday, December 31, 2012

Gonna be soon enough

aku ingt nk post mlm bia sesuai sikit nk masa tapi...
ok. 2012 will be say goodbye to me. tomorrow will be a very new year and new chapter. the 2012's book will be keep safely and new book will be colour and write beautifully with full of laugh and tears. InsyaAllah,
n next year me myself again typing about 2013 n ready to face 2014 if Allah still give me opportunity.

this year ajar aku new thing. haha,, will all the fellow classmate n also all the Quints. thanks everybody.

A very thank you I want to say to the One who give me the chance to live on His earth and world,, Alhamdulillah

bersyukur sangat dpt rasa tahun 2012 yg pastinya banyak membantu aku untuk ready facing akhirat.
dpt jumpa akk" osem yg pastinya awesome. dapat rasa mcm mana perasaan budak kelas last. nway xd la teruk sgt it's kind of precious experience. knowing closely to Yantie, Yan, Qistina n smue 4B. much appreciate.

thanks. n also ajar aku utk improve diri aku n x leka dgn dunia yg pastinya byk lagha. Alhamdulillah.

I'm really hope next year I'll keep improving myself to success either world or akhirat, InsyaAllah

doakan Islam tetap teguh, masyarakat Islam terutama aku sedar akan kepentingan kehidupan di akhirat itu and also I will get the opportunity to have a certificate or slip of SPM 2013 written 9A+ on it. InsyaAllah

Friday, December 7, 2012

Telan Kemarahan

betul apa kak Nadia cakap lepas kita belajar something tu, for sure akan dtg ujian yg sgt berat utk kita amalkan.

Ilmu tanpa amal ibarat pohon tidak berbuah

hari itu aku hilang kemarahan depan org ramai. Astagfirullah
time 2 sumpa la xingt lgsg apa kak Nadia or kak Aisyah ckp. main belasah je.
thats the very big test that happen to me.

bukan sng nk jadi org bertakwa. senang di syurga pahit di dunia. but Allah never let His slave alone. mcm Liverpool. You never walk alone

for conclusion,,
keep it up to be a better person for HIM

doakan Harimau Malaya akan berjaya smpai final InsyaAllah
doakan Wan Zack akan terus famous sbg ganti Wan Zaharulnizam *xpasal

The sky is not always Blue

Looking for a place to live in,
There’s a long way to go, dreaming of a life
When the night has seemed to be,
Just fear at the free, it’s intertwined
Moment of the time is giving, how do we make it when we try
All the words could say
Looking at the sky,
Tells the story what you see
Just I know
All the people say in case,
‘Cause there s just the one blue
We might see, maybe, same clouds at the same time
Even if another day,
We are attached with the hope of who we are
When the days give time for losing,
Nothing’s ever been so meant to be, all the wrong
Here is just no strength to be, no streaming what you see, The destiny?
Everyone to say, it made a way, carry on from day to day,
Finding our part to play
Reacing for the sky,
In the distance how we’re there
Done by hope
Hold your heart then there will be,
‘Cause you’re in, your the story
We can see something, hidden in the pages say,
We are the ones whose gotta be there
Don’t let go, the hope is in us who we are
What if we could tell it’s gonna last somehow, we wind up
What if we could take out all the wasted time
Every little thing that we do, all the ways we feel
Close your eyesm just feel it coming,
It’s getting stronger, then you see
Looking at the sky,
Tells the story what you see
Just I know
All the people say in case,
‘Cause there s just the one blue
We might see, maybe, same clouds at the same time
Even if another day,
We are attached with the hope of who we are

Thursday, December 6, 2012

sorry alya

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Believe

what goes around comes around

sekarang ni Allah betul" bayar cash. aku takut sgt if ada salah aku yg lepas Allah nk bayar.aish,,

the most important thing utk aku skrg maybe my grandchildren, I really do make sure i'm not waste the electric or water and also not throw away the rubbish for my grandchildrenS own sake. InsyaAllah a better future for my generation

aku akan sll make sure aku tak buat benda yg org lain tak suka mcm aku tak suka org tu buat kat aku,,xkesa la org nak kata aku fikir jauh sgt ckp la.

I'll try my best as a Better person that always obey to Allah. Insya-Allah,,may Him help me

Ya Allah,,
ampunkanlah dosa aku yg terdahulu dan akan datang
ampunkanlah dosa aku yg jelas atau kabur
ampunkanlah dosa aku yg aku ketahui dan tidak aku ketahui