Monday, December 31, 2012

Gonna be soon enough

aku ingt nk post mlm bia sesuai sikit nk masa tapi...
ok. 2012 will be say goodbye to me. tomorrow will be a very new year and new chapter. the 2012's book will be keep safely and new book will be colour and write beautifully with full of laugh and tears. InsyaAllah,
n next year me myself again typing about 2013 n ready to face 2014 if Allah still give me opportunity.

this year ajar aku new thing. haha,, will all the fellow classmate n also all the Quints. thanks everybody.

A very thank you I want to say to the One who give me the chance to live on His earth and world,, Alhamdulillah

bersyukur sangat dpt rasa tahun 2012 yg pastinya banyak membantu aku untuk ready facing akhirat.
dpt jumpa akk" osem yg pastinya awesome. dapat rasa mcm mana perasaan budak kelas last. nway xd la teruk sgt it's kind of precious experience. knowing closely to Yantie, Yan, Qistina n smue 4B. much appreciate.

thanks. n also ajar aku utk improve diri aku n x leka dgn dunia yg pastinya byk lagha. Alhamdulillah.

I'm really hope next year I'll keep improving myself to success either world or akhirat, InsyaAllah

doakan Islam tetap teguh, masyarakat Islam terutama aku sedar akan kepentingan kehidupan di akhirat itu and also I will get the opportunity to have a certificate or slip of SPM 2013 written 9A+ on it. InsyaAllah

Friday, December 7, 2012

Telan Kemarahan

betul apa kak Nadia cakap lepas kita belajar something tu, for sure akan dtg ujian yg sgt berat utk kita amalkan.

Ilmu tanpa amal ibarat pohon tidak berbuah

hari itu aku hilang kemarahan depan org ramai. Astagfirullah
time 2 sumpa la xingt lgsg apa kak Nadia or kak Aisyah ckp. main belasah je.
thats the very big test that happen to me.

bukan sng nk jadi org bertakwa. senang di syurga pahit di dunia. but Allah never let His slave alone. mcm Liverpool. You never walk alone

for conclusion,,
keep it up to be a better person for HIM

doakan Harimau Malaya akan berjaya smpai final InsyaAllah
doakan Wan Zack akan terus famous sbg ganti Wan Zaharulnizam *xpasal

The sky is not always Blue

Looking for a place to live in,
There’s a long way to go, dreaming of a life
When the night has seemed to be,
Just fear at the free, it’s intertwined
Moment of the time is giving, how do we make it when we try
All the words could say
Looking at the sky,
Tells the story what you see
Just I know
All the people say in case,
‘Cause there s just the one blue
We might see, maybe, same clouds at the same time
Even if another day,
We are attached with the hope of who we are
When the days give time for losing,
Nothing’s ever been so meant to be, all the wrong
Here is just no strength to be, no streaming what you see, The destiny?
Everyone to say, it made a way, carry on from day to day,
Finding our part to play
Reacing for the sky,
In the distance how we’re there
Done by hope
Hold your heart then there will be,
‘Cause you’re in, your the story
We can see something, hidden in the pages say,
We are the ones whose gotta be there
Don’t let go, the hope is in us who we are
What if we could tell it’s gonna last somehow, we wind up
What if we could take out all the wasted time
Every little thing that we do, all the ways we feel
Close your eyesm just feel it coming,
It’s getting stronger, then you see
Looking at the sky,
Tells the story what you see
Just I know
All the people say in case,
‘Cause there s just the one blue
We might see, maybe, same clouds at the same time
Even if another day,
We are attached with the hope of who we are

Thursday, December 6, 2012

sorry alya

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Believe

what goes around comes around

sekarang ni Allah betul" bayar cash. aku takut sgt if ada salah aku yg lepas Allah nk bayar.aish,,

the most important thing utk aku skrg maybe my grandchildren, I really do make sure i'm not waste the electric or water and also not throw away the rubbish for my grandchildrenS own sake. InsyaAllah a better future for my generation

aku akan sll make sure aku tak buat benda yg org lain tak suka mcm aku tak suka org tu buat kat aku,,xkesa la org nak kata aku fikir jauh sgt ckp la.

I'll try my best as a Better person that always obey to Allah. Insya-Allah,,may Him help me

Ya Allah,,
ampunkanlah dosa aku yg terdahulu dan akan datang
ampunkanlah dosa aku yg jelas atau kabur
ampunkanlah dosa aku yg aku ketahui dan tidak aku ketahui

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I'm gonna be the SPM candidate soon

wah,,mangat sungguh.yeah tgok kak alia belaja menyedarkan aku akan spm nxt gonna be soon people. tgok paper physic kak alia buatkan aku rasa aku kena cover physic f4 cpat2. cikgu ckp chem susa dri chem. so,,work hard then

i know its gonna be hard as i've seen the 5 Tegas listname. pfft,,may HIM help me.
smpai bila aku nk pilih kawan??kan Quint??kne unite la. may Allah help us

homework??aku da start dgn bio.lg 1 subtopic then msuk video n touch up sket.tggu nana,aisyah nan hani antar then DONE

argh~ life will be more difficult in the future as aku da makin membesar. byk bnd yg aku kne pandai adapt,,
yeah! wish me luck people

Thursday, November 15, 2012

salam maal hijrah 1434


1 year had been past. Alhamdulillah, Allah still bg aku cukup oxygen utk alive until today. semoga waktu2 yg diberikan dimanfaatkn sebaiknye. :)

yeah,,admit 100% spnjg dis year BYK main -,-''
sori. but improve lah dis year.more to akhirat lg,,InsyaAllah

May a new chance to live will be use for HIM
semoga berkatNYA masih di sisi kita hingga bertemu denganNYA

Monday, November 12, 2012

He gave me what the BEST for me

Alhamdulillah,,dah bertapak aku kat rumah since last thursday. penuh 1 kereta aku bwk balik brg. -,-

since we're talking about the end year school's holiday, how's ur diagnostic people??

urgh,,sgt teruk. I do not have any chemistry with my chemistry subject.
sgt sedih.mcm mne la aku boleh dpt gred comel 2
bio nan phy mmg mgecewakan. lg 2 markah dpt A-
yeah,,He know the Best for me

berjuta terima kasih.berbillion Alhamdulillah sbb DIA bagi aku naik kelas nxt year.kelas yg pastinye xpernah menjadi kelas impian aku sebelum ini.

tapi dlam target 2012 ad. sbb?? puan Muz menggalakkan aku msuk situ.together with my dearly Qistina

but,,Qistina masuk kelas yg aku mmg nak masuk.aish!tggalkan aku kat kelas yg die nk masuk sgt2.

how can la??

maybe something BIG gonna happen next year since again I think I'm alone have to face the new thing. new environment -,-

arwah nek nyang meninggal malam td.
semoga roh nek nyang dicucuri

Friday, October 26, 2012

susah nk letakkan situasi dlm keadaan yg sebenar kan?
they never understand
or we do not understand??
May Allah guide us.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

aku sedar bukan mudah untuk mengejar mimpi indah.pernah suatu ketika dulu ku punya harapan besar.kini aku tak pasti dapat ku miliki. -,-

Jika halangan menduga perjalanan kita
JANGANLAH kau putus asa
andai semangat mu gugur
kita hampir ke situ

don't give up mira.xd escalator or lift bring you to succeed
man jadda wa jada

Monday, September 17, 2012

yeah,,balik 4 hari malaysia.kekoknya menaip sbb mcm dah lme x menaip.k,nowadays busy tgok running man.haha,,pecah perut tgok citer mcm 2.hw mmg x jalan.

pray for selangor msuk final utk piala Malaysia *xpasal
pray for me dpt 9A+ tuk diagnostic
pray for AYIE yg nk PMR.
pray for my both sisters agar dipermudahkan

hopefully the end of 2012 will be better than other.
Allah,,you know the best for us

Friday, August 24, 2012

done wit BIO.hmm,,ayie x bawak balik textbook sej.cmne nk siapkan soalan kuiz ni??
hahha,,mcm susah je kan aku buat soalan. -,-
xp2,,yg msuk 2 dorm8 aku a.k.a bedm8
wuhuuu!! GO TIZU n MAMA
nk kena siapkan ASAP klu x nnt pn Nakimah cri aku mcm beliau cari anisa fariha

btw,,aku layan dia semalam.sbb??
k aku admit la mcm jilat ludah sdri.tah la,,
i'm not expect anything.
kan dah cakap yg xreti budak2 macam 2,so.
pandai2 la. =='

ya Allah,,
lindungilah aku

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I want the Best for ALL

like akk say let's do the Hajat.

Ya Allah,,give the BEST for us
you know better than US
only YOU.we really need the TRUTH
'Ihdinal Siratol Mustaqiim'
then,HE will answer
 'anything to my SLAVE'

so,,do Istikharah.ask HIM for GUIDANCE
HE will help YOU,Insya-Allah
JazakALLAHu Khairan

Sunday, August 19, 2012

It's Hari Raya

already 1st Syawal.*speechless
tah la,,maybe sbb i'm already 16 so,the hari raya is no more happening and i'm not like to feel excited with it.
Ya Allah!tah la,btol2 heartless ni
with all people that should i call it crowd coming to mak's house.*sigh

my mood has been spoil with all the crowd esp .........
how la others bole than dgn suara bdak2 ni ngis je.
so,hope i will meet syawal again

Saturday, August 18, 2012

a lot of thanks

already 1839 of last day of Ramadhan. tomorrow should be 1 Syawal. alhamdulillah Allah give me another opportunity to have Ramadhan dis year.Thanks to HIM a lot.

tahun ini,,dapat rasa kenal dengan akk2 OSEM. I would like 2 be one of them someday.a fine day. Allah, give thats chance.

tahun ni,,rasa cm mne sweet nye frenship with those GIRLS.they let me laugh until i knock to the ground.

tahun ni,,rasa cm mana panasnye Bumi Allah n I slept on evening because too exhausted for attending school straight from 7.20 until 4.00 without giving break to sleep.*sigh

nway,,how sad I am because can't feel the few days of Ramadhan almost every's okay Allah know the BEST for me.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

I Just Don't

betul la makin kita membesar,there's something new u will know.then,,how u will realize actually u're such  naive person.*pap!kne batang idung sdri

mmg Allah dah takdirkan rezeki aq pergi.then,there! I knew something I never knew before. -,-

tak tahu mana nk kaut keberanian 2 nk face semua benda.tiap kali aq rse susah nk translate kan,,

Ya Allah,help me please.

aq admit,,I'm not ready face all things out there.ingat lagi bila tanya Aliaa how she put hersel in standby.ready to face it,, -krik2krik2-

seriously dah takut nk keep on walking.can I crawl??my feet like stick to this stage. T_T

can I??

*pray for me

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Don't regret it

yargh~ kejap lg dah balik.hmm,,nk nangis??entah lah.hw mmg x siap la kan,,yg siap hanyalah chem dgn bio.NIE aq tah ap cerita kan.mianhe groupmate.

balik nnt raya atau awal puasa.AGD! nk buat mcm mne.dah org 2 xmsukkan lg dlm bukan duduk dkt korea nk tgok dkt SBS. aiyoo!tgok tyme raya la gamaknya,

tabah mira.rsenye mmg kne bantai dgn tcer2 sekalian sbb xsiap hw.sob3,,pray for me. T_T

dah la mmg straight dis month gler busy dgn mcm2 event.Majlis Persaraan Pn. Chong,,back to school.karnival mini lg.serabut aq.MATF lg.bole mati kering la smue f4 esp aq.

argh!data xsiap lg. kak farah,,boleh x kte siap kan bulan 3 dlu.btol2 xsempat ni.sob3,,mianhe

can't u see that??just enough playing around.u'll regret at the end.
rsenye cuti kli ni byk tido nan jln2.abis 2??that's holiday mean to be right?the teachers can't understand it.i knew it.


Friday, June 8, 2012

Quints ;)

that's what I do when I log in my FB

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Gentleman's Dignity

tahu cerita ini kat tumblr cnblue.tgok sbb ad Jong Hyun.-,-
okay cerita sumpa buat aku non-stop senyum dengan gelak.
haha,,Kim Dong Jin sgt comel
mmg lah pelakon dia + cerita dia pasal lelaki yg da 41 years old kan??tapi sumpa seronok
sangat sweet Kim Dong Jin 2 nk approach kat Yi Soo 2,
sumpa la aku tengah gila Jong Hyun

Can't stop smiling

2:53 ya Allah Jong Hyun.gila smart,,

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Apa saja utk DIA

segan aq bwk benda 2 kee hulu ke hilir.haisy,,
dahla gedabak tau.ingt lg tyme stop beli beg kakak

ada pakcik 2 tunjuk benda 2 kat anak dia.
anak dia gila excited tgok benda 2.
haha,,naik segan aq tau.

anything for you dear

Monday, June 4, 2012

DUSKY=Dusk + Sky

get it??

Friday, June 1, 2012

Jalan ke Cari

semalam keluar nan fishy.+awan -,-

mula2 fishy xleh pergi sbb ap-tah.*aq x alert sgt haritu.last2 dpt pergi sbb awan pown pergi*her cousin
mak die hantar teros p KLCC.why KLCC?? tnye xcampur.
pergi semata-mata sbb nk tengok AKU ADA,,KAU ADA??

bolehla cerita die.hmm,,xd la best nk tgok dark shadow!mwaaaaaa~

lps tgok wayang jumpa la nan awan yg tgok piranha.pas2 kteorg p video ezy.keluar je,awan da ilang.
lepak lg.then,,da nk dekat 2.30 lepas kteorg ukur keluasan KLCC 2.fishy da kibut nak cari awan.takut mak die marah balik lambat.1 KLCC kowt kteorg cri mamat senget 2.*xpown sbenanye

last2,,kteorg pergi balik floor TGV.usha2 kat koridor tgah2 yg boleh tgok smue floor sblah sne.fishy sblah sini.skali aq dengar


skali nmpak awan kat depan lif floor bawah.tyme 2 sumpa aq xnk mgaku aq kenal pergi kat fishy tnjuk kat die.aish!

ble jumpe,,aq da mcm nk tampar da mamat just ckp "good JOB awan"


hmm,,tp bole la mnambah pngalaman aq keliling KLCC 2.dpt jmpe novel yg alya suruh bce 2.*wink2

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

sebentar lagi

Istighfar Rejab,,Majmuan tertinggal kat sekolah.jom baca hari2,,baru 9 Rejab

( أسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ العَظِيمَ( 3 

 الَّذِى لاَ إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْحَيُّ القَيُّوْمُ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ جَمِيْعِ الْمَعاَصِى وَالذُّنُوب وأَتوُبُ إِلَيه مِن  جَمِيعِ مَا كَرِهَ اللهُ قَولًا وَ فِعلاً وَ سَمْعًا وَبَصرًا وَخَاطِرًا .

 اَللَّهُمَّ إِنىِ أَستَغفِرُكَ مِن كُلِ ذَنبٍ تُبتُ إِلَيكَ مِنهُ ثُمَّ عُدتُ فِيهِ وَأَستَغفِرُكَ بِمَا أَرَدتُ بِهِ وَجهَكَ الكَرِيمَ فَخَالَطتُهَ بِماَ لَيسَ لَكَ بِهِ رِضًى وَأَستَغفِرُكَ بِمَا وَعَدتُكَ بِهِ نَفسِى ثُمَّ اخْلَفْتُكَ .

 أَستَغفِرُكَ مِنَ الذُّنُوبِ الَّتِى لاَ يَغفِرُهَا غَيرُكَ وَلَا يَطَّلِعُ عَلَيْهَا أَحَدٌ سِوَاكَ وَلاَ يَسِعُهَا إِلَّا رَحمَتُكَ وَحِلمُكَ وَلَا يُنَجِّى إِلَّا عَفوُكَ .

 وَأَستَغفِرُكَ يَا لَا إِلَهَ أَنتَ سُبحَانَكَ إِنّى كُنتُ مِنَ الظَالِمِينَ . وَأَستَغفِرُكَ يَا اَلله لَا إِلَهَ أَنتَ وَحدَكَ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَكَ

 سُبحَانَكَ يَا رَبَّ العَالَمِينَ , لَكَ المُلكُ وَلَكَ الحَمدُ وَلَكَ الشُّكرُ , أَنتَ حَسبُنَا وَنِعمَ الوَكيِلُ وَنِعمَ المَوْلَى وَنِعمَ النَّصِيرُ . وَصَلَّى اللهُ عَلىَ سَيدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِهِ وَصَحبِهِ وَسَلَّمَ تَسلِيمَا كَثِيرَا وَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ العَالَمِينَ .

Monday, May 28, 2012

Don't Wanna Let U Know The Truth

firstly,,want to make it as form 4 at tung temah its full of tears and laughter.that's we call life.tak ada sesiapa yg akan halang kehidupan kami ini as remaja.

secondly,,dah nk masuk 4 years tggal kat tung prefect yg dkt 3 tahun berkhidmat.i got the experience and I know all the secrets.its help me.a lot

third,,(ke thirdly)pascamodenisasi semua generasi Y memerlukan tekno dlm kehidupan.please do understand

I know.All the reason are totally no strong to support what I want to support.*keling

so,, not care at all about what I'm now.I am not the old me anymore.same as THEM.both.WE just dont want you feel dissapointed with us.we're no longer US.

Really SORRY.I know sorry no cure.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


baru lepas habis exam,so?how mira.tah la.speechless ble dpt paper bio.kelam gler dpt paper chem.can't stop smiling dpt paper add.


wlupown A- still wat aq xley stop smiling.result bio wat aq xnk tembung lgsg nan bapa jagaan aq 2.tah la.tabah eh sir.

setakat ni.result bio je la ad nye grade Comel.yg lain grade Bersemangat.hope gler sejarah bantu dlm mnyumbang grade Amor aq 2.

ranking for sure jatuh.dah prepare mental dah.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


asal semua org tahu yg kepulangan aq ke rumah pd mggu ini adlh kerana.telah berlakunya Hari Kecemerlangan Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Hoki di tung temah terchenta.mwahahaha.semua manusia yg kne stay kat sekolah as urusetia bgai 2 smue mgeluarkan statement

"untunglah dpt balik"
"kteorg yg bekampung kat skola ni tah ble la nk study"

tah apa tah lagi an.hello korg!balik umh lg la study weyh!da la astro tyme ni la die nk bg free utk all channel.hampeh tol,,tggu la cuti yg 2 mggu 2.tyme ni jgak la nk wat pesta buku kan??

nway,,aq bru balik dri pesta buku td.pckage tgok avengers skali.terbaik la!see??balik bkn study pown.sbok nan avenger la,adam dan hawa la,tunas la,maid maiden la.yg plg aq xley bla 2.ada la 1 night ayah,ibu nan akk kuar.xd 1 citer pown kat tv 2,aq pown bukak la fail chem.tgan ni gatal2 tekan channel mepek2.cntohnya:- pelangi,national geography.then,,arena.801.amik ko!harimau muda vs geylang ko!haha,,

tukar je tros pgulas 2 sebut nama ZAHARULNIZAM. kan dah tersangkut kat situ.mmg la syaitan itu hebat godaannya terhadap manusia yg aq still going on nan chem.Alhamdulillah dah habis dah chem.ahad malam or isnin pg boleh wat latihan mne yg ptot.

nasib baik mr.W main 1st half je.2nd half main skejap tros keluar.haha,,nway.dia main mmg la wat aq rse chem 2 lg bgus di'hadap'kan.Wan Zack sumpa bgus gler.salute la,,mmg layak la dia nk main utk Harimau Malaya terus.good job.

aq dgt risau nan physic nan bio kowt esp.tah la,,byk kowt dosa aq kat sir.mnx mayap sir.pasni sir da x ajar ag kowt.rse cam relieve pown ad gak.hahaha,,kejamnye aq.since incident ari isnin lepas,,aq sumpa la jaki die.tabah eh sir kne jaki nan anak sdri eh??spe soh cri gdow.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Has Broken to the Pieces

maghrib-isyak yg typical.f4 semua dah tumbang kat luar mahupun dalam mufaz di site yg pd hakikinya besar.

Okay,,hari ni nk bgtaw tokoh utk tema bulan ni.siapa tahu tema bulan ni??

Diam lah edar.nk tido!

tokoh aurat utk f1 ialah..bla..bla..bla

haha,,zifa!kau rasa spe f4??mahu aq nk ketawa guling2 lps ni.

haha,kuang asam la ko miralin.

*aq da sdap landing da.dgn telekung sparuh tercabut

zifa!sekali ko an??hahahhahahahhaha

tokoh aurat f4...

zifa,,ready nk gelak ni!



hahahhahaha,,ko la miralin!

cpat sket amira roslin ke depan

     * * *
the rest is history.abis kena gelak la nan budak2 2.sumpa la.da la tyme 2 pkai bju yg mmg see through.ya ALLAH.dpt mug,,haha.kena la usung p kelas utk bawak balik dorm.simpan kat rak atas locker.da lama da bnd ni.then last week,,locker di langgar todak sbb xd masa nk mengadap.asik ngadap kompang je la kan keje aq.hari ap tah,,letak kompang kat atas rak atas 2.esoknye nk pergi practise,,kelam kabut nk cepat punya pasal.tarik je......prangggggg!!

haha,,selamat la mug 2.da la still dalam kotak 2 lg.nasib ko la mug.nmpak sgt la x layak mira oooooooiiii!
nway,,thanx edar.n biane sbb 'ter'pecahkan.bukan slh aq eh??kompang pnye slah.hahaha *evil laugh

Monday, April 30, 2012

for sure rindu

since last week sgt busy nan practise kompang that should be sabtu lepas comp die.tyme jumaat bru taw xd cam biasa la buat muka x beperasaan lgsg.

after stay up mlm2 sbb homework xsiap.'ter'tido dlm kelas sbb xckup tido siapkan homework.

lastly bila fikir positive side,,bru rse cam xkesah.

syg dekat bnd bulat ber'nombor' 6 itu semakin bertambah.kdg2 macam nk bwk tido pown ad.tyme practise mata aq yg kuyu ni automatik terbuka luas.*tapiharituterlelap
smalam dpt experience tgok 'pkcik2' main kompang.ya Allah!seronok sgt tgok dorg main.rasa macam nk join sekali. bak kata abg Hasyim.
"budak2 ni mmg mcm kambing telepas kandang tp klu disiplin dlm kompang terbaekk"

tyme dorg main lagu jatuh cinta lagi 2 sumpa aq salute abis.hebatnye mereka.

mst abis je semua ni aq mesti RINDU.wlupown ari 2 meleleh air mata xnak pergi practise,,

Sunday, April 22, 2012

susah nak puaskan hati orang

betul lah orang cakap nk puaskan hati orang boleh jadi gila.kankan?aisy,,people dont understand situation kita.pandai kondem je.xpernah nk paham keadaan org lain.kadang-kadang kita pon sama.pandai bising je.xpernah nak paham keadaan or kesukaran orang tu.kita tahu kesusahan kita je.selfish nya semua orang.sama-sama la kita berusaha memahami orang lain.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

miss them

tyme p sne.jmpe nan Farid.mwahaha,,lpas jmpe die 2.ttbe t'ingt zman nakal2 aq skola rndah.bpkla bes.tyme 2 cam xkesa pown life la.skunk nk wat sumthing kne pk baik buruk dlu.jg nme sdri as perempuan,student tung temah bgai.aisy,,skunk ni aq cam rse segan doe nk jmpe aq jmpe farid.tggu die tego bru la nk wat2 knal la.haha,,aq tkut dorg xcam aq je.haha,,

nway,,farid.thanx la tego aq yg sombong ni.keep in touch k??

I see the rainbow

ari 2 pergi Puteri Resort talk nan Dr. Mahathir Mohamad,,yg dpt p top 3 evry class.thniah mira! kteorg smpai dlm kol 9.20 cm2 2 da pesan nan kteorg yg mst ad kat c2 b4 9.30.hmm,,ok la kn 2??


aq da nmpak da rainbow 2.

thanx a lot

Sunday, March 18, 2012

satg da btolak blek jb.pray for me k?kuat2.xmoe jd lalang.

Ya Allah,,peliharalah hambamu ini.

takutnye aq change.nway,,mcm2 bnd happen pg ni.serabut otak aq.
nway,,aq da addicted nan heartstring ni.lgu ni,,tah la.myb sbb aq pham.jd die mcm mnusuk trus ke dlam.haha,,aq da buang doushite 2 sbb aq nk jgak lgu ni.cri kat fullmusik xd.t ble2 aq free aq cri.

nway,,dgn tnpa rse srba slah tp risau aq xsiapkan 0mwok aq.sumpa.aish,,mlm ni kne la stay up siapkan.
gud luck mira.

ddc8 lgu ni,,

hearstrings ost - so give me a smile - park shin hye jung yong hwa .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Have Faith


9A+ and 10A+ will yours.
live well outside


Saturday, March 17, 2012

and after all,,

you're my WONDERWALL.

You just turn 18

have faith k,
i do have faith on u
dah usaha,tawakkal + istiqamah
9A+ will be urs k
c u ari rabu
jnji xlari pnye
make sure tggu smpai kte mncul b4 balik k
klu xmncul,jgn balik k

antara 7 petala langit dan 7 petala bumi adanya 7 petala cinta

4 evrything
those roses
ceroboh acc FB
*kn da sruh tuka password

Friday, March 16, 2012

media player - play(star-min hyuk)
youtube - play(anwarhadi)
tonton - play(naughty kiss)
volume - 100

mmg la lpas ni aq da xbole dgar dgn normal ag.escape ni dri dunia luar.

kak syafik,,
nk slahkan zainab.
mle2 xbniat pown nk tgok heartstring.
sbb??xmnat la Yong Hwa
abisla lpas ni kne boikot.
mwahaha,,tp soh gak zainab copy msuk pkcik angie 2.
haha,,HEARTSTRING comel.
sumpaa.mnat plak an kat cnblue
tp  plg mnat
Min Hyuk~

Pray For Me

1st test

MOD-83 A
ADD-89 A
PHY-70 A-
BIO-80 A
BI-84 A
BM-84 A
PAI-87 A
SEJ-75 A-

hmm,,bole la kn??xd A+ pown.dpt no. 58.1st in class.xyah nk bgga tkut mse 1st2 je cmni.argh!tga baik ag ni.awl2 taon aq mmg baik pown.blom tga2 ag.Siti Zulaikha,,sll la piat telinga aq ni klu asik main2 je.aish,,pray for me la aq still jd baik smpai la da mle naik tanduk ni.ekor da lme tumbuh.klu xd provokasi dri org atasan.hahaha,,aq bley still jd baik kowt.klu org atsan mncbar aq.jgn tkjot la tgok aq rebel cntrol pngai aq skunk ni sbb kak Farah kowt.segan la klu kak farah taw aq bwat pangai.die cam trust je kat aq.wahaha.nway,,ad spe2 nk help dgn sketch dinner aq??ULBS??argh!da jumaat bru aq t'ingt.0mwok mmg xjlan lgsg.asik tgok movie je aq ni.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


ari 2 ad org tnye klu aq jmpe die aq nk watp je??then,,tyme 2 aq t' bkn rndu smpai nk jmpe die.die mcm pelengkap hari aq.1 ari xjmpe mcm xsah.teman aq borak smpai msuk wk2 kat Mufaz 2.kdg2 aq cam ignore die.haha,,kejamnye aq.lost die bkn cam aq lost kakak aq sorg 2.die mcm.if la 1 day korg bgun dri tido,x gosok gigi.tros pergi skola.bpk slekeh doe.xcomplete an ari ko??then...

aq realise yg sbenanye aq xd la smpai nk sgt jmpe just rse life aq x complete.2 je.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Little Thing Called Love

haha.ari tyme dorang wat movie kat hall citer ni aq x p pown.kne tlg kak farah wat keje.tyme 2 x trse nk tgok pown.then, nasuha kta ad dlm pendrive.haha.transfer msuk pkcik angie 2.ari jumaat lyan nan hicom.bpk gler bes!comel sgt2.p-shone!sgt comel.k2.xscomel wan eh.

jln citer die bley la.ssuai la utk kteorg yg sengal2 ni.mwahaha.friendship comes 1st.<3 for parents.good la.ending die je kowt wat aliaa bengang.mwahaha.

nway.i'll mis those moment.hardly.
peeps,,do miss that.thanx.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

When You Fall

people loves you.if they're not.Allah loves you.if He not,He will not give you chance to see people you love.Allah never left you behind.He never let you be alone.that's why people always say YOU NEVER WALK ALONE.people say,just is a powerful cure for every it so?i was thought about it people handle or solve their problems by just,i understand how.the problems will never solve by smile but it about we face it.if it was a burden.we have to know how to solve it.dont run cause problem never solve by run from it.more problems and trials come,more tough will be.seriously.Allah never test His slave beyond their ability.He always know the best for you.

Friday, February 3, 2012

hate when you say,,

I'm always be with you
but actually
you're not.

Monday, January 23, 2012


smlam ayah wat la mkan2 kat uma.
act,ayah nk smbut bday aq nan kteorg ckp nan smueorg yg just makan2 je kat uma.
xrmai pown dtg.biasala raya blek kg
ad la gak yg demam.sian

smalam yg dtg.
aso,tirah,izat,ain rasid,zulaikha,amir,ayam,ihsan nan alan.
yg aso dtg nan cik umi.
adui,,die bley plak nk jd tuan umah smlm.
ble dak 4 org 2 smpai die yg smbut.saiko gler.
siap jmput mkn ag.skati ko la aso.

plg xley than.smueorg nk ckp aq t'bantut.
kuang asam pnye bdak2.
ye la,aq an pendek je
nk wat cmne.da mmg pndek je aq ni.
dri sblah ayam pown,ayam mng oh.

nway,amir dpt sains terengganu.
dorg ckp man dpt saser.zik dpt sains rembau
haha.gud luck la kwn2 ku.
yg amir 2 aq pelik.gler t'cmpak jauh2.
ad ke die kte aq yg influence blaja jauh2.
saiko je.

plg nyampah la kan ayat amir.
'mira da pndai la skola stf'
mcm nk kasi penyepak je smlm kat die.
amir x abis2 citer psl skola aq hebat.
die mmg kasi aq bengang gler nan die.
aish.stf not that too good la

t myb plkn jmpe blek nan dorg.klu da smue msuk.mst la ad yg t'cmpak saing2 nan schoolm8.
kuatkan la aq nk jmpe dorg smue nnt.
yg smlam pown aq cam diam je.sumpa segan.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

balik je skola,mcm2 bnd terjah dlm otak aku.
how's form 4?how's bonda bru?

byk sgt tnda soal.hmm,,
1st day sgt penat sbb kne uruskan pendaftaran form 1
pdhal aq wat apa je kan?tolong cikgu Lely susun borg je.penat senyum je kowt.haha,,
2nd day da start blaja fizik,mod nan bio.
bes la jugak.stakat ni bley catch up.
msuk 4th day bru aq rse kosong.sbb?

mlm kat mufaz sgt2 sayu.
ingt las year.then,,aq btol2 sdey,
sumpa.kronik kowt mlm 2.smpai smueorg tnye kenapa nan aq.
tah la.mle2 cam meleleh je.ble KD peluk aq.sumpa da jd banjir da Mufaz 2.
syg gak korg smue kat aq an?

then,,2nd week sgt mncbar aq.
duit add ilang.sumpa aq rse cam useless gler
gler act cool je.
rmai tnye.abis 2?klu aq ngis kronik pown xdnye duit 2 dpt balik an?
sir ckp kat aq yg jgn ngis.bertenang je sll.

aisy,weekends cam da ok tp.
delima yg amat.
rmai yg pujuk+tarik.da kak syafik ckp jgn.
mst ad mksud tersirat.
aq pown decide xnk.
*xpham xp

dis week blek.yay!
omwok ckgu bg mcm aq blek sbulan.aisy!
pdhal blek 5 ari je.

f4 sgt penat.blek prep.kmas ap yg ptot.11.30 p toilet.ltak kepala.tido
sumpa x bgun smpai pg.
f4 sgt mncbar.sgt.

aq btol3 rndu kak syafik.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mr. Azam Hope You'll Success This 2012

- Berusaha jadi TOUGH
- Berusaha sentiasa fokus dalam STUDY
- Berusaha x JAUH dari ALLAH
- Berusaha utk BAHAGIAKAN org yg diSAYANGI
- Berusaha utk jumpa MR WAN 

azam past yg xsucceed

Selamat Tahun Baru ;)

Alhamdulillah.idop ag aq tyme 2012.da kre b'syukur sbb dpt rse 2012 even bru sejam.
hm,2011 again aq tempuh dgn jayanye wlu kdg2 t'sgkur.
nmun Allah ta pena bg aq chance nk jtuh lme2.
bia jtuh byk kli aslkan aq still dpt bgun nk wat ag better an??
*ayat aq da belit2

2011 mlihatkan aq sorg yg more matang sket.*ye ke??
bole la.da xd pangai ank2 aq ag.wlu kdg2 rse gian nk lompat2 cam ribenakid.
so,,bak kte kne tough 2012.sgt.dgn tiadanye mrk yg sll ada kat sisi aq yg slama ni aq sll gayut2.
tp Allah still ad nan aq.after smue yg happen,,aq realise yg aq xley nk gantung-gayut kat org.
then,1 sdri akan t'kapai2 sbb org 2 mst tggalkan aq.*err,,aq ta paham ap aq tulis

azam aq dis year xd 1 pown yg succeed 100%.
dlm 79% cm 2 la.ok p??aq da effort la.Allah jus smpan bnd 2 utk future aq,so xd la nnt aq t'tonggeng tyme aq harung dunia yg ag mncbar an??
act,,aq sgt mte xley lelap.2 yg tulis ayat belit2.

haha,,btol la org kte.zaman rebel abis.
mulut aq ni ringan je an dis year nk lwan debat nan ckgu2 nan org tua bgai.
aq kdg2 wat sumthing 2,,klu org kte die xske ag aq nk wat.
hormon aq gler tunggang langgang,wat aq kdg2 nk ngis then ttbe gelak.
mwahaha.dis year aq knal ap i2 frenship yg btol ad kapten jack sparrow.*apakah
dis year wat aq rse demam plg worst.
rse how aq face big exam jauh dri umah.
rse kne peluk nan org aq xkenal.da la bkn muhrim aw.

aq nk ckp k'tidakpuasan ati aq ni.
td aq nmpak pkcik2 harimau malaya kat tibi.ttbe ingt Mr.W.*mne bley tulis nme pnoh.segan r aq
aq dying gler nk jmpe die.sumpa.npe eh??
sbb.slama ni aq ta pena mnat pemain bola sepak.
si kembar yg akk aq kte comel thap ayu raudhah nan rita rudaini nk kwen 2 pown aq pndang sipi je.
xsmpai lima bulu mte pown aq pndang mrk bdua 2.
kahkah.2 opinion aq aw,,jgn nk kondem sgt la.

td an.smue org citer psl future ank2.*err.kteorg la 2.
kan ad dinner new year kat grand pac.saing smbut bday lima org smue skali.
srabut otak aq td tgok kek ke nenek+tok alang aq.cmpur nan ayoi yg 16 taon 2 ptong kek boboiboy.
uncle mir nan uncle mar kat bwah xabis2 pakat gelak an die yg da t'cengang2 kat ats stage 2.
ha!aq citer psl future an td??
mama tnye aq nk futher kat ckp la aq nk sgt study Dublin.
tp sbb kes mamat gay 2.sumpa aq jaki die.bodo la ko!
sbb die la ibu aq cam xkasi kteorg futher oversea.ag2 kat dublin.
mmg r mamat gay 2,klu aq jmpe sunat an ag skali.xnmpak ke pjg klu bkak sluar kapel die 2.tett.
btol ap.ko nk gay pown agk2 r.
mmpgaruhi mse dpan generasi akan dtg aw??abis pupus la smue student Malaysia yg study Dublin.
parent smue pakat boikot ank2 yg nk futher kat sne.

k,,ni dari dri aq sdri aw.
sbb an td mama da tnye.
sbbkan dri f1 parent aq da pos aq kat skola tung temah 2,
wat an aq jd anti-sosial.esp nan oppo sex.ckpla nk ckp ap pown.xkesa.
aq jd rse xnk dok kat hope sgt,,ble dpt PLKN nnt biala jauh2.
dpt futher pown klu plg dokek pown indon.
aq xnk kat Malaysia.*gler demand doe aq
klu dpt India pown bole la.adventure sket.
biala aq rse susa sket.da sll dok sng.

lpas aq sembang brg nan mama td.
aq ckp yg aq nk smbung cita2 akk yg x kesampaian 2.
ttbe aq pk2 blek,,bnd 2 mcm mustahil jd kat aq.
ble aq ike blek akk2 yg kak lisha 2.
rmai senior aq IPT je.xkesa la A ke S ke.yg bijak pndai pown xlepas.
yg p interview scholar ag r.bpe kerat je,ingt sng ke.
pas2,,aq pike2 ag.then,,aq tnye dri sdri.

"Heyya,,will u still alive at that time?"

tah la.mse aq skola renda cam yakin gler aq akan rse skola mngah 2.ble aq da msuk 2ndary,aq cam xyakin aq akan rse jd belia benci dadah 2.sumpa.
da t'tulis da kat Luh Mahfuz 2 an?aq nk wat cmne.redha je.
klu sempat aq akan effort seabis mgkin tuk smbung nan gapai cita2 akk yg tak kesampaian 2.
u can have my word.klu la bkn rezeki aq,,hope bekalan aq ckup utk aq bwk p sne nnt.
doakan sme2 eh??

aq tamau kenang blek apa yang happen 2011.sbb yg pastinye,,biala tersimpan utk aq n smue keliling aq.
past is past.the future never let u go back to the past.
yg da pergi,,aq let it manusia bukan tuhan nk halang2.
sgala perit jerih aq rasa biala jd kekuatan utk aq face future.hope.

doakan sme2.agar smueorg,dpt idop yg berkualiti selagi ap yg tertulis di Luh Mahfuz belom tiba.
bak kte mamat mne tah kat fb.Kiamat sudah dekat.
of course.Kiamat xpena makin jauh.