Friday, August 12, 2016


Saw someone that I really cared about posted this ayah. We all did know this right. Keep repeating this word over and over. Same goes to ayah and ibu, people that try comforting me. Yeah, I know. I should just move on and be grateful. Lainsyakartumlaazidannakum. I should bare this in my mind. I know that I should. Tidak Allah bebankan HambaNya luar dari kemampuannya. I should be strong. I can do this right ? I should not lose my faith on Him right? I am so sorry for people that trying so hard to comfort me and make me feel better. I really need my time alone. To face the reality. I just dont want to go crying to someone that I will hurt them in the future. Yeah, I really need hug from someone frankly speaking. But not them. I dont know.
For ayie, Im really happy for him. I knew you deserve 15 for your AS. And for someone I USED to care. Glad that you make it. I knew it. May Allah take care of you for me since you no longer the one. I think the colour has faded. Hopefully, there no more path that cross between us. Have a good life.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Something to share about

As dah masuk 4th sem, orang sekeliling sibuk confess sini sana, bercrush candy crush segala. As read those tweets and all, I realise that masuk umur 20 ni orang mula rasa, " I should have someone that I can love" maybe. Memang people will say, ' Im just fine being single, tiada siapa nak bising-bising nak pergi mana-mana'. But believe me, tipu tak jeles org tu ada kawan nak teman pergi tengok movie without sibuk cari siapa nak teman. When this kind of thing happens to me, I'll be like. Glad that I'm still under His protection. Allah sayang.

Then, what happen recently in my class and all. Teringat Teacher Silah cakap dekat aku time F3,

'Masa awak nak exam ni lah akan segala-galanya berlaku. Kakak-adik sibuk la nak jadikan awak toeng, abang dining hall tolong simpankan milo belikan food kat luar. Budak emci sedar dan sewaktu dengannya hantar pamplet pass tie clip lah. U just have to let it pass.Allah nak uji time tu. Syaitan nak bisik-bisik. Ingat apa saya pesan!'

Ingat teacher. Sampai sekarang saya ingat. Its not that easy. I know. Bila sekali jatuh tu, rasa macam tak nak bangun. But, itu fitrah. Kita tak tahu macam mana nak bangun kalau tak pernah jatuh.

Past few days, terbaca tweet. ' Dont go to Damansara for someone who cannot go to Ampang from there for you'. Teringat kes last year yang ada orang sanggup drive dari Tanjung Malim ke Putrajaya for someone. Dekat je *rolleyes. Orang kata lautan api pun sanggup redah kalau dah sayang. Betul. Ayah sanggup naik bas dengan aku pergi johor then patah balik at the same day for 2 years. Almost every week pergi Tronoh for 3 months and every week turun Seremban. It called love people. It is TRUE LOVE. Bila minta nak balik naik ktm or bas, Ayah be like 'selagi mampu ayah buat, nanti dah ada boyfriend, ayah tak mampu lagi'. ;/

Bukan tak nak cari boyfriend. But aku pelik. Ya, aku tahu aku pelik. Aku even dah 20, malam tak boleh tido pun cari ayah. Hmm. Keep praying guys, have faith on Him.