Thursday, November 22, 2012

I'm gonna be the SPM candidate soon

wah,,mangat sungguh.yeah tgok kak alia belaja menyedarkan aku akan spm nxt gonna be soon people. tgok paper physic kak alia buatkan aku rasa aku kena cover physic f4 cpat2. cikgu ckp chem susa dri chem. so,,work hard then

i know its gonna be hard as i've seen the 5 Tegas listname. pfft,,may HIM help me.
smpai bila aku nk pilih kawan??kan Quint??kne unite la. may Allah help us

homework??aku da start dgn bio.lg 1 subtopic then msuk video n touch up sket.tggu nana,aisyah nan hani antar then DONE

argh~ life will be more difficult in the future as aku da makin membesar. byk bnd yg aku kne pandai adapt,,
yeah! wish me luck people

Thursday, November 15, 2012

salam maal hijrah 1434


1 year had been past. Alhamdulillah, Allah still bg aku cukup oxygen utk alive until today. semoga waktu2 yg diberikan dimanfaatkn sebaiknye. :)

yeah,,admit 100% spnjg dis year BYK main -,-''
sori. but improve lah dis year.more to akhirat lg,,InsyaAllah

May a new chance to live will be use for HIM
semoga berkatNYA masih di sisi kita hingga bertemu denganNYA

Monday, November 12, 2012

He gave me what the BEST for me

Alhamdulillah,,dah bertapak aku kat rumah since last thursday. penuh 1 kereta aku bwk balik brg. -,-

since we're talking about the end year school's holiday, how's ur diagnostic people??

urgh,,sgt teruk. I do not have any chemistry with my chemistry subject.
sgt sedih.mcm mne la aku boleh dpt gred comel 2
bio nan phy mmg mgecewakan. lg 2 markah dpt A-
yeah,,He know the Best for me

berjuta terima kasih.berbillion Alhamdulillah sbb DIA bagi aku naik kelas nxt year.kelas yg pastinye xpernah menjadi kelas impian aku sebelum ini.

tapi dlam target 2012 ad. sbb?? puan Muz menggalakkan aku msuk situ.together with my dearly Qistina

but,,Qistina masuk kelas yg aku mmg nak masuk.aish!tggalkan aku kat kelas yg die nk masuk sgt2.

how can la??

maybe something BIG gonna happen next year since again I think I'm alone have to face the new thing. new environment -,-

arwah nek nyang meninggal malam td.
semoga roh nek nyang dicucuri