Saturday, December 28, 2013

It's Not Easy,Sis

ni Lilo punye keje la ni. yeah,apa aku buat lepas SPM. hahaha,duk kat rumah ni. jaga Pou aku. main minion rush. tp yg paling best,lada satu week tu cik siti stay kat rumah dari isnin sampai khamis. jalan sakan doh. naik putus la gak urat kaki aku ni. dari pagi ke malam. tapi xsempat nak pergi semua la. sbb malas aku dah sampai time hari rabu n khamis tu. kesian dia nk sgt pergi jalan tar tu. xpla syah,dkat johor pun ada jalan ber'tar' kan? hahaha.

k,sambung balik apa yg Lilo ckp td. skrg sibuk pasal driving lesson. tp,aku dh bpe mggu x date dgn cikgu pi langat. in planning nk keje. still,aku mcm nak xnak je. haha, $-$

duduk kat rumah. penin fikir pasal scholar la. further studies la,aiyoo! seriously,its not easy. die mcm psychology war tau. lagi penat dri berwrestling.

lastly, keep going on with ur istikharah, hajat, taubat, dhuha and dua.
go Quints. ISTIQAMAH

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Cik Siti, dedicate.

sorry. aku busy buat cv. semalam time tgok movie tertengok citer A Little Thing Called Love.
then,nak dedicate lagu ni. theres no day that i dont miss you. thanks mate for the memory ;)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

SPM. checked

hmm.finally,done. bukan sng nk hadapi those months before and during the examination. berbaldi air mata. tu xcmpur gelak ketawa,pahit manis segala kena marah sbb dah memey buat salah -,-"

selalunya,habis upsr and pmr i would like to say to my youngest that those exam were easy. But if SPM, i will not. Susahnye hanya Allah je tau. Ya Allah, berikan kejayaan kepdaku setimpal dgn usaha yg telah aku lakukan. Amin.

Those last day? hm,, hanya mereka dan Dia je tahu. time ptg tu? Xrasa pape pun. xrasa pun habis spm ke,no longer f5 tung temah ke. Until i reach home,reading all the tweets from the others. I will never get those past ever. i hate growing up,once you grown up. You never return. True peter pan. wendy had left you. Me too.

Aku xkn dpt bnd tu balik.sumpa. it gonna hard to find the bond that had been made in those school time. Never. Walaupun still in contact. Tp betul. Aku xkn dpt mcm yg sebelum ni. I realise when until now i never had chance to story my days to my best friend. All the hard and happy. I miss that. I miss her.

We have been pour hundreds different directions. -HSM3

Aku takut apa yg dh jd time sekolah rendah dlu will happen again. Im the one that left them. How i hardly missing them now. We will be fine. Ya Allah,may the bond still strong till the end.

Mantan Pelajar Sekolah Tun Fatimah ;D