Saturday, December 28, 2013

It's Not Easy,Sis

ni Lilo punye keje la ni. yeah,apa aku buat lepas SPM. hahaha,duk kat rumah ni. jaga Pou aku. main minion rush. tp yg paling best,lada satu week tu cik siti stay kat rumah dari isnin sampai khamis. jalan sakan doh. naik putus la gak urat kaki aku ni. dari pagi ke malam. tapi xsempat nak pergi semua la. sbb malas aku dah sampai time hari rabu n khamis tu. kesian dia nk sgt pergi jalan tar tu. xpla syah,dkat johor pun ada jalan ber'tar' kan? hahaha.

k,sambung balik apa yg Lilo ckp td. skrg sibuk pasal driving lesson. tp,aku dh bpe mggu x date dgn cikgu pi langat. in planning nk keje. still,aku mcm nak xnak je. haha, $-$

duduk kat rumah. penin fikir pasal scholar la. further studies la,aiyoo! seriously,its not easy. die mcm psychology war tau. lagi penat dri berwrestling.

lastly, keep going on with ur istikharah, hajat, taubat, dhuha and dua.
go Quints. ISTIQAMAH

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Cik Siti, dedicate.

sorry. aku busy buat cv. semalam time tgok movie tertengok citer A Little Thing Called Love.
then,nak dedicate lagu ni. theres no day that i dont miss you. thanks mate for the memory ;)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

SPM. checked

hmm.finally,done. bukan sng nk hadapi those months before and during the examination. berbaldi air mata. tu xcmpur gelak ketawa,pahit manis segala kena marah sbb dah memey buat salah -,-"

selalunya,habis upsr and pmr i would like to say to my youngest that those exam were easy. But if SPM, i will not. Susahnye hanya Allah je tau. Ya Allah, berikan kejayaan kepdaku setimpal dgn usaha yg telah aku lakukan. Amin.

Those last day? hm,, hanya mereka dan Dia je tahu. time ptg tu? Xrasa pape pun. xrasa pun habis spm ke,no longer f5 tung temah ke. Until i reach home,reading all the tweets from the others. I will never get those past ever. i hate growing up,once you grown up. You never return. True peter pan. wendy had left you. Me too.

Aku xkn dpt bnd tu balik.sumpa. it gonna hard to find the bond that had been made in those school time. Never. Walaupun still in contact. Tp betul. Aku xkn dpt mcm yg sebelum ni. I realise when until now i never had chance to story my days to my best friend. All the hard and happy. I miss that. I miss her.

We have been pour hundreds different directions. -HSM3

Aku takut apa yg dh jd time sekolah rendah dlu will happen again. Im the one that left them. How i hardly missing them now. We will be fine. Ya Allah,may the bond still strong till the end.

Mantan Pelajar Sekolah Tun Fatimah ;D

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Allah Maha Pengampun

lama nak amik mood ni. teringat conversation dgn hazirah hari tu. seriously aku malu dgn Allah plus Nabi Muhammad. mcm mana ni?

made mistake memey one of the human life. tp aku sumpa. tah la. He knows well.
still aku bersyukur DIA give time utk aku bertaubat. thanks. wlupon aku dh buat salah dekat dia.
serba salah menebal ni. betul. Allah Maha Pemurah.

DIA syg aku. tu sbb DIA give time. klu x,mesti biar je. -,-"

after all had happened, aku perasan something yg hikmah sgt besar.
do take care baby. kita kn Quints. aku ada nk support kau. saing cari keampunan DIA. :)

#tbh aku takut gila. buat dosa dkt" nk exam ni. takut DIA murka dgn aku.
Hanya DIA tempat mohon pertolongan n bergantung.

doakan segalanya berjalan lancar. cabaran hari Sabtu hari tu buat aku betul" rasa Allah marah dgn aku. T_T
rindu kak syafik. sgt.

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah jalan ke arah german utk aeronautic. amin.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

senjata = doa

tetiba teringat marching krs. *abaikan

result trial. no straight A's. sob. malas lagi mira. boleh sempat lg ni nk update. study".
jealous sgt tgok nme cik siti kat kertas atas". tu belum bj lagi. aku xsalahkan siapa". tp still hati xredha. ya Allah, ikhlaskanlah.

sedih tgok yan fotostat sijil", tizu pergi balik pergi cc nk taip resume. yosh. ada rezeki insyaAllah. Allah xnk bagi skrg sbb takut aku dah terlalu confident utk SPM. go mira. u can do it. leave those distracted thing now.
time susah mcm bru teringt kak syafik. miss u here mebius. sbb? bio. kak syafik time f4 nangis2 xbb kena pergi kelas menggilap permata tu. tp skrg tgah buat IB dkt KMB. yeah, true. betul kak syairah kata SPM tu rezeki.

Allah nampak usaha. klu kita give time dkt Allah. Allah pon spend time dgn kita. jgn sombong MIRA!

kemaafan dari org tertentu insyaAllah dah pohin exc akk sorg tu. tak tahu la mana hilang. Ya Allah. permudahkanlah.
nway, i got bouquet of ROSES. thanks ayah,ibu n akk.
plus, akk nan cik siti polaroid. woots.

tu la,roses je memory lane.
ok. enough. doakan ye. parcel jgn lupa hantar hari". mereka mohon bantuan kita.

ha! lagi satu mcm dah confirm nk amik aeronautical dkt german. klu x overseas,USM. xlarat nk turun selatan klu UTM pun. doakan.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Reflect me

esok will be the last time for me to ride bus with maya,syapir n others to jb. last to lari2 cari cab nk balik tung temah. will be the last time. InsyaAllah. scares me the word last time. really do. yeah,everyone knows it always had the last time of ever-EVERY thing. pfft

okay. end that.

doakan untuk trial which will be soon enough. nk sgt fly. takut nk survive kat Malaysia. yeah! only Him will understand -,-
then,doakan pakcik" scholarship tertarik dgn apa adanya diriku ini. kena cari sugar daddy la klu xdpt scholarship. jkjk :D

Allah itu ada. so,minta dipelihara hati, mata, mulut and everything dari kelaghaan. InsyaAllah.

doa itu senjata. doa itu penghubung. i'm try to be better. so,do support.

ibu cakap best friend memey mcm tu. so,aku kena try to be the best friend la kan? hoho,good luck.

ha!since.sjk akhir" ni ada org hantar memory lane dkt aku. hmm, i do miss last year. all things. esp with nisa. braids, apples, moviesss, ahli sukan, cnblue's talk, masak" n her. =='
saa, ni nk confess. aku rindu gila last year. sorry sbb aku mcm xberapa nk rapat sgt dgn kau this year. haha,,tp kita still hotg" dkt toilet time mandi. i will miss that. thanks very much saa for last year. do take care because i care too much dear.

JB009 A050
SPM '13

Sunday, June 9, 2013

gonna return back to tung temah soon. pray for me. do the very best in my studies n responsibilities. plus, watch over my relationship with the others Insya-Allah. even memey balik raya nanti. tp nk minta maaf kat semua org esp yg ada di rumah-walau-tak-baca-pun. sorry susahkan semua org n thanks for your precious time.

betul apa kak aisyah cakap. kalau  dah sll kena benda yg kita tak suka,lama" boleh sampai xd perasaan. i miss them so much. ni yg nk text kak ain suruh turun JB ;)

apa yg dah happen buat aku rasa dah xnk effort utk fix it back. exhausted baby.
then, what happen future. don't expect too much from me. i'm also a human. ni sebenarnya nak kaitkan ada org nak pergi comp lepas ni. *sheesh dont expect anything. just think what had u did last time. dah sedia maklum aku org yg mcm mana. forgive but never forget. but i'll try.

okay. sesiapa terasa msg di atas utk dia. please terasa. xmoh la lepas ni minta explanation. penat nk explain.

doakan aku jadi seorg pemaaf. sll lupa apa salah org dkt aku.
doakan aku jaga aurat. i need the strength nk ikut jejak idah nan qihah.
doakan aku RAJIN selalu. nk spm oi!
doakan aku pelihara hati dan iman memandangkan hari makin hari. immersion gonna be soon.
jasamu dikenang.

lastly,,parcel utk mereka yg dah pergi jgn lupa hantar hari". peringatan utk aku esp n semua org.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


okay. dah realise since tamatnya Quintefest tu. okay. tipu. after dah lama kira" a week baru perasan. bukan x concern tapi. #pfft

fine. admit. salah aku. sbb? aku yg ajak dia datang jauh". bayar duit tiket bas bagai. sggup tggal kan kolej semata nak datang jumpa aku. tapi. aku?? yg main kompang dgn buat report tu bukan salah aku laaaaa.

apa yang aku takut time kes * dulu really happen kat aku. tu sbb aku xsuka takut kan something. sbb aku tahu it will get me also one day. one fine day. indeed. salah aku sdri xnak effort with this silaturahim. kata nk kekalkan sampai akhir hayat. nak bawak dia sekali masuk syurga.

Ya Allah, apakah ini. aku memey sucks la dlm semua benda mcm ni. nak jaga hati org? susah la. aku sll take lightly perasaan org yg rapat dgn aku. -,-

really sorry. lepas perasan semua ni baru aku mcm kena hempuk dgn kamus dewan tebal mangai tu. arghh!

lastly,, if u read this. yes. YOU.

firstly,, speechless. okay. a very sorry. nk mesz tulis 100 sorry?? did u still keep that thing? I dont have any intention to do it. seriously. xsangka pulak kecil hati pasal benda tu. sorry again. if rasa xnk bg peluang mcm yg u did to *. redha. Allah itu ada. I admit. it really my fault. sbb terlepas pandang semua benda ni. As we always said. Can forgive but never forget. yes. i know. but. do forgive. xnak la nanti masa time dok gathering dkt mashar nnt. sibuk cari org sbb nk tuntut benda mcm ni. I beg you. Thanks.

I will miss you. hardly

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Will I?

done with anthem. Alhamdulillah. seriously like someone took away my mind. all the vocabulary that should I put as term to describe my feeling now. plus,, terbaca message dkt inbox. apakah??

what should I say about all the things now?? apa yg dah happen dkt dri aku now ni. jauh sgt dah aku pergi. sbb aku nk sgt kejar "appreciate every second that I've gone trough"

-,- help me to find the real truth. sahabat ialah yg sentiasa membawa ke syurga. bukan yg kita tarik bila kaki dia dah masuk syurga utk tolong kita yg dah separuh dkt neraka. nauzubillah. aku nk jd sahabat yg tarik tangan dia bila dia dah jatuh.

tetiba teringt kes 'tu'. time tu. mcm nk pelempang diri sendiri sbb tercakap mcm tu. mcm aku baik sgt. Alhamdulillah dia boleh terima apa adanya. walaupun. after that,, terjah dlm otak ni. aku xlayak sebenarnya nk ckp macam tu dekat dia. sbb. i'm not good enough. sorry baby. tersilap mukadimah time tu. i know i do hurt you. ton of sorry.

back to the main point. rasanya kena baca balik anthem tu for getting back my real sense. kesian dkt dash tu sbb kne sorok" belajar agama padahal in her identical card state there that she is ISLAM. same goes with En. Johari and Puan Mariah. n Haikal too. when Haikal know that she's wearing 'tudung'. it freak him out. tu belum time Lee keluar statement time brake up too. she's truly ADAMANTIUM. or should I call Dashmantium.

tp truly. deeply. Lee sgt" comel. dah boleh ganti Ked kat no. 2. still xleh kalahkan Benz Alif laaa.
that's why I deeply in love with Add Math.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

1 Litre of Tears

apa lah aku citer tahun bila tah nk tgok balik mggu ni. sumpa sedih. org hati batu je xnangis tgok citer ni. then, aku fikir n fikir balik. klu lah people around aku ada yg kena. will I help her. will ke aku nk tolong mcm asou-kun nan mari-chan semua tolong Aya tu. Asou-kun memey suka kat dia. tp yg kwn" dia lain??

pastu,,klu lah aku yg kat tempat Aya-chan tu. will I still put a line that call smile on my face. Yes. Indeed. Allah Know the BEST.

same goes apa yang aku fikir if I lost my parents. akk" n ayie. mak atuk,mami or mama. then?? will I ever put myself to stand again. memey aku sll kata "Allah kan ada". bak kata cik siti. aku sll ckp tp bila kena dkt aku. -,-

yeah,ttbe teringat kak aisyah ckp. apa yg kita belajar msti dtg ujian sgt besar utk kita pratikkan. same goes with what afie said that written in Al-quran. lebih kurg la bunyinya. apa yg ckp dkt org,msti dtg ujian dkt kita utk buat apa yg kita ckp. bila fikir balik,,kita kena balik dkt Allah jugak akhirnya. There's the intro and also the closing. He know.

the conclusion is,, hidup kat dunia sementara ni. kena bermanfaat utk org lain. terharu gila time asou haruto tu baca post card yg Aya dpt tu. terbaring atas katil pon dpt encourage people to continuing their lives. daebak!

sumpa aku tabik org Jepun ni. semangat diorg patut dicontohi. bukan org Jepun je la. byk lg. learn something from environment. walau kita pandang je,, there's something we could learn. the most important thing is just open your heart to accept it. then,, leave the rest to HIM. He will guide you. Insya-Allah.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Golden Legacy

as form 5. many things have to handle with care. there you are mira.

Quintefest ajar aku mana satu kawan mana satu lawan. really do. even after the day aku boleh tahu mana satu really true friend.



hmm, yg merajuk after quintefest tu? ha. Allah je faham kenapa. He knows BEST. xpernah la rasa marah n merajuk selama tu dengan orang lain.

comes along with the James Bond. tah pukul brpe tah tido malam tu. sedar" dah ada kat sblh shumie n cik siti. next year dah xd da semua bnd ni. new environment with new friends InsyaAllah.
will remain in my heart till forever. i'm gonna miss it.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Time pass by

ok. since exam dah habis. then,, aku realise something. yg membuatkan aku rasa. wake up people. enough play around. lagi 5 months tau nk SPM. hmm,,

aku teringat apa aku sembang nan aliaa time rak basuh bju hari tu. ap sebenarnya point aku this year. then, aku rse apa yg puan muz ckp really happen kat aku. aku betul" nk perabis hidup kat tung temah ni with all people around me. betul" nk make memories. like seriously.

I really appreciate every single seconds aku kat tung temah now ni. dgn formmate, adik" n all the teachers. but sometimes, aku lupa yg the main goal is the big 9A+ tu.

theres no success when there is no EFFORT. He knows the BEST.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

macam jauh semedang

terpanggil nk menaip as nmpak dia online td kat fb. sobs. aku tahu bukan salah siapa" pon dalam hal ni. masa yg let these happened.

masing" dah meningkat usia doe. memey segan r nk face. amir tu lain citer kot. die stok muka tembok. byk kot memory nan dia. a lot, byk rahsia aku yg dia tau. he knows me better than myself.

k. done. aku tahu mesti ad hikmah kteorg jd mcm ni, pasti. I'm very sure about it. as aku assume. bukan salah spe" pon dlm hal ni.

kadang" jarak sebahu je. tp sebenarnya jauh sangat tu yg tak tercapai tu. He do knows BETTER than both of us.

sincerely I miss him a lot.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


sifat berterus terang la paling x ada dlm diri aku. kalau ada memey aku xkn nangis hari tu. ok,, sampai la mlm hari tu. kenapa eh?? entah la. sbb terasa sgt kan? menyesal gila berterus terang.

aku still rasa biar aku yg hurt dari org lain yg hurt. fikir org dulu baru aku. InsyaAllah aku pgg prinsip ni sampai Allah panggil aku.

aku admit aku dah sakitkan hati org yg supposely aku jaga. sbb aku sdri tak tahu dalam hati org. minta maaf byk". kronik gila kau kecik hati dgn aku. sori. rasa nk nangis je time class bio tu. dah la mlm tu tido scra x proper. sobs.

pengajaran kot dkt aku jgn nk pertikai keikhlasan org. lepas ni,, biarlah org ikhlas ke x. tu hal dia dgn Allah. bukan masalah aku. do trust others mira. sampai bila xd trust kat org lain?

Trust is like a paper. once it's crumbled. it can't be perfect again *mcmxdkaitan

keikhlasan ibarat semut hitam atas batu hitam dalam kegelapan malam. do remember that mira.

Rezeki masing"

cuti da start. memey byk gila hw nk perhabiskan. menangis la aku. balik semalam sbb nk siapkn hw tp xsiap gak. reason balik smlm gak sbb nk teman org tu. k,, how's spm 0812?? kind of. aku cam x amik port sgt dgn result mereka hari khamis hari tu sbb xd yg rapat dgn aku.

keluar je result mereka. memey menyedarkan aku kena study betul". kami Quint kena prove dkt semua org yg kitaorg boleh. InsyaAllah.

tiba" teringat kak syairah ckp last year. SPM ni rezeki masing". tgok la result last year. smpai 5B pun ada lg straight A. bukan rezeki 0812 kot nk dpt result gempak" mcm 0711. 0913? Allah je tahu.

Do ur responsible n work.
Let Allah do the rest

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The most powerful word in the world is SORRY
Sorry seems to be the Hardest word

do agree ;(

Usia bukan ukuran kepada kematangan

yeay! Alhamdulillah Allah bagi aku chance untuk hidup 17 years. lama tuu. terima kasih. xtahu la nak gambarkan perasaan aku yg memang sllnye xd rasa. blank gila time dpt text dri aisyah maghrib tu. almost forget to wish amelia on 0000 hour. InsyaAllah He will guide you. pray for me k?

haha btw.

HB to my mate. Amelia Saharom. sweet 17 meyh. saing 9A+ k? sorry buat salah pape kat kau. minta maaf sgt". live well,

i'm already 17. speechless.
xtaw la ready x sbenanye nk face the upcoming things. kdg" mslh yg skrg ni kecik pon aku dah serabut. put ur smile on face everyday.
btw,, thanks kat sesiapa yg wish smpai penuh wall aku. n text jgak. terima kasih.
a lot of thanks dkt ssiapa yg bg hadiah. esp BARNEY tu. kesian lme tggu dkt TBS.
hanya Allah je boleh balas.

aku xminta hadiah besar" mcm kimio. apa yg diharapkan hanyalah doa yg mengiringi kehidupan aku hingga ke syurga :)

nk menceritakan cuti CNY aku yg penuh dgn lagha.
padahal nk exam taw mggu dpan.
arghhhh!! *stillcultureshock
aku tgh sedarkan diri la ni. cmne ni? hilangkanla sifat malas aku ni.
mira,, nnt klu dpt last in class jgn nk meraung" eh??

hopefully aku manfaatkan masa yg lebih kurg 5 days ni. go mira go!

ha!nk wish all the best to
u can do it~ take care :)

thanks to Allah give me strength to live on His awesome world
thanks to Him put me in the most absolutely cool family. ;)


Saturday, February 9, 2013

face it

x sukanya mcm ni. aku xsuka awkward moment. xsuka rasa serba salah. xsuka!

k. dah habis marah.

boleh x jadi peter pan? takut nye nk face future yg aku sure 100% more challenging. aku dah kena fikir mcm". bila tgok dlm luggage yg diangkut dri tung temah ke rumah rse yg sbenanye aku betul" dah form V. dah kene serius. sobs.

ya Allah,, hambamu ini mohon diberi kekuatan dari segenap segi. terlalu lemah untuk meneruskan. hanya padaMu aku berharap.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


teringat cerita ustazah pasal manusia dlm kubur. time 2 teringat dkt mne" yg dah face sakhratul maut. n every day akan aku pesan dkt dri sdri utk antar parcel dkt diorg. sbb aku xnk xdpt parcel hari" bila dah sampai sana. InsyaAllah, kalau kite tlg org mesti ada yg tlg kita. Allah itu Maha Pemurah. Islam is beautiful.

so,, jgn lpe hantar parcel hari" utk mrk yg dah pergi dulu daripada kita kalau kita xnk x dpt parcel bila time kita dah sampai.

biar susah di dunia jgn susah di akhirat,

tiada yg manis di dunia manis di akhirat. InnaAllah ma'a Assobirin

heyya,, it's already 2013. ceptnye masa berlalu, sedar" dah nk februari. really truth from bottom my heart that it's very hard to be fivers. sgt.

awl" tahun da dimulakan dgn air ujan dari mata aku slps 3 mggu sekolah. slpas tahan selama almost a week lpas dpt jwatan 2. sob"

the day dpt jwatan 2 xsmpai nk ngis bila nmpak org yg dpt jawatan yg selama ni aku impikan 2 nangis. i have to be strong for her. help her in many aspect. fortunately, dorm sblh" je. lepas tahan" akhirnya burst gak dkt nisa. kronik kot mlm 2. speechless nk ckp ap perasaan aku bila dpt bnd 2. syukur Alhamdulillah ada mimi nan fishy yg sll nk tlg aku yg mmg ......

mira,, kerja tu kena ikhlas tau? baru lah tenang je buat kerja. yeah,, time by time,, aku realise sumthing. i'm already in form five. there more challenging thingS await me outside. more challenging than being a secretary.

then. aku mengalami kejutan budaya dgn menjejakkan diri ke kelas yg aku xpernah impi utk mghuni. more suprising than 4B. ugh,,I miss 4B so much. InsyaAllah aku akan cuba immune kan diri aku seboleh" nya. Allah ma'a na. InsyaAllah.

like people said,, makin kite besar makin kita kenal dgn dri sdri. same goes like me. aku mmg jenis yg akan hidup dlm dunia sdri je. for me,, it the BEST thing should happen. sbb,, nk bersaing" ni merimaskan. minta maaf dkt semua yg ada terasa dgn aku selama ni. different people have their own self. aku lg selesa mcm tu.
moreover,haha. aku assume boiling point aku 5 degree je. haha,, aku akan cuba naikkan lg. ttbe ingt usrah dgn kak nadia n akk" osem yg lain. astaghfirullah al azim. rindunya akk".

rohani dah dahaga ni. lg",, aku akan try nk adapt dgn bnda baru especially everything like rotate 360 away from the normal one. kena pandai" la mira nk control malu aku tu. esp, ckp dkt depan. sampai bila nk gagap" ckp dpn org ramai. asik jimatkn blusher je,, bole bankrup M.A.C or revlon.

a ton of sorry aku nk ucapkan kat setiap manusia yg pernah jumpa sekilas mahupun seumur hidup dia. a very thanks I would like to dedicate to all person that ever help me even for a word. _ _