Saturday, October 15, 2011

how's PM aarr??

k baby!

alhamdulillah PMR da abis,
thanx Allah,,

nway,1stly nk say thanx kat smueorg yg byk tlg quint tyme PMR,b4 or when or after.

esp teachers!
-ckgu Mai.
-ust wan
-ckgu2 form3 yg len
-pn radziah
-pak awie 4 amik2 gmba
-cik hjh sapiah

kat pkcik2 dining hall sbb sbr je nan krenah quint yg asik nk mkn je ni,,
-pkcik yg gdow nan aq psl ice karim 2.arigatou

-encik roslin
-puan intan

-kak syafik



kat smue Quint..

really thanx dear,,
pahit payau yg kte rse tyme dok dlm hall,,
-nk mleleh air mte tgok how she fail to do,,
-nk mleleh air mte tggu she yg fall asleep,,
-krisauan yg mlampau nmpak she out n enter the toilet sbb sket prot,,
-kgusaran nmpak ksusahan she when the moon show her tyme,,
-kbimbgan nmpak she was taking out by the pengawas
-than air mte tyme pngawas say goodbye for hello to home
-than mlu tyme mr.R kjot tyme t'tido
bedebar tyme kat luar hall,,
-aizat,kaki kanan aw
-weyh!ko bwk ic x ni?
-f3!slip jgn tggal aw
-weyh!pateh gajah mada 2 krajaan mesopotamia eh??
-aq nk tido sat bley ka??
-gapo dio la mu ni??blom abih ag,mu da gedebeh sgt
-mek,mu jgn tido plak satg.pyah kawe nk mgejot
-ceper dlm gegelung ke??tuas agkat??
-kat dlm kunk aq nk minjam korek2 aw??
mlm kat blok,,
-f3!tido awl eh??
-f3!xmoe bsing2 kwal suare
-korg,,esok spe bgun awl kjot yg len g solat hjat nan solat subuh

really thanx Quint,,
bia ap org nk ckp
kte BIADAB ke,xreti cri BERKAT ke,PUJA SYAITAN ke,b'MSLAH ke.
let it be,
we can't shut their mouth,,
alfitnatul ashaddu minal qat
ALLAH stiasa ad nan kte,bia DIA je yg tentukan blsan.