Tuesday, February 11, 2014

as He will

I hate to say goodbye. Many things happened in my 17,it just getting tougher every day. But, it let me learn how to stand by my own. Just rely on Him to help me, in every secs of my life. Sakit tu, penat ni, ketawa tu, nangis ni. Dia byk tolong :) im just glad that i have Him.

Dah nak umur habis sekolah ni dah x harap hadiah apa apa dah. Aku pun bukan reti sgt nak celebrate birthday org. Paling effort n aku sangat puas adalah birthday yan. Walaupun bg yan tak ada lah apa sgt. Tapi bagi aku, worth sangat. Birthday cik siti, aku just rasa tak puas nak buat. Just bagi kek. Huargh, ikhlas itu paling utama mira. Ok.

Ada driving test hari isnin, takut! Nnt nak pergi interview lagi. Aku ni memey cepat kecut la. Kena berani mira! Mana ada org nak ambil candidate yg penakut. Ada bertulis bagai, yan dah start study physics. Pergh! Ni yg kecut ni. Doakanlah.

 Last but not least, you'll be miss 17. Like you always miss 12 and the others. I am really sure 18 and others will miss you 17. Let the 18 be better than 17, InsyaAllah