Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Believe

what goes around comes around

sekarang ni Allah betul" bayar cash. aku takut sgt if ada salah aku yg lepas Allah nk bayar.aish,,

the most important thing utk aku skrg maybe my grandchildren, I really do make sure i'm not waste the electric or water and also not throw away the rubbish for my grandchildrenS own sake. InsyaAllah a better future for my generation

aku akan sll make sure aku tak buat benda yg org lain tak suka mcm aku tak suka org tu buat kat aku,,xkesa la org nak kata aku fikir jauh sgt ckp la.

I'll try my best as a Better person that always obey to Allah. Insya-Allah,,may Him help me

Ya Allah,,
ampunkanlah dosa aku yg terdahulu dan akan datang
ampunkanlah dosa aku yg jelas atau kabur
ampunkanlah dosa aku yg aku ketahui dan tidak aku ketahui