Sunday, May 26, 2013

1 Litre of Tears

apa lah aku citer tahun bila tah nk tgok balik mggu ni. sumpa sedih. org hati batu je xnangis tgok citer ni. then, aku fikir n fikir balik. klu lah people around aku ada yg kena. will I help her. will ke aku nk tolong mcm asou-kun nan mari-chan semua tolong Aya tu. Asou-kun memey suka kat dia. tp yg kwn" dia lain??

pastu,,klu lah aku yg kat tempat Aya-chan tu. will I still put a line that call smile on my face. Yes. Indeed. Allah Know the BEST.

same goes apa yang aku fikir if I lost my parents. akk" n ayie. mak atuk,mami or mama. then?? will I ever put myself to stand again. memey aku sll kata "Allah kan ada". bak kata cik siti. aku sll ckp tp bila kena dkt aku. -,-

yeah,ttbe teringat kak aisyah ckp. apa yg kita belajar msti dtg ujian sgt besar utk kita pratikkan. same goes with what afie said that written in Al-quran. lebih kurg la bunyinya. apa yg ckp dkt org,msti dtg ujian dkt kita utk buat apa yg kita ckp. bila fikir balik,,kita kena balik dkt Allah jugak akhirnya. There's the intro and also the closing. He know.

the conclusion is,, hidup kat dunia sementara ni. kena bermanfaat utk org lain. terharu gila time asou haruto tu baca post card yg Aya dpt tu. terbaring atas katil pon dpt encourage people to continuing their lives. daebak!

sumpa aku tabik org Jepun ni. semangat diorg patut dicontohi. bukan org Jepun je la. byk lg. learn something from environment. walau kita pandang je,, there's something we could learn. the most important thing is just open your heart to accept it. then,, leave the rest to HIM. He will guide you. Insya-Allah.