Friday, May 24, 2013

The Golden Legacy

as form 5. many things have to handle with care. there you are mira.

Quintefest ajar aku mana satu kawan mana satu lawan. really do. even after the day aku boleh tahu mana satu really true friend.



hmm, yg merajuk after quintefest tu? ha. Allah je faham kenapa. He knows BEST. xpernah la rasa marah n merajuk selama tu dengan orang lain.

comes along with the James Bond. tah pukul brpe tah tido malam tu. sedar" dah ada kat sblh shumie n cik siti. next year dah xd da semua bnd ni. new environment with new friends InsyaAllah.
will remain in my heart till forever. i'm gonna miss it.