Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Will I?

done with anthem. Alhamdulillah. seriously like someone took away my mind. all the vocabulary that should I put as term to describe my feeling now. plus,, terbaca message dkt inbox. apakah??

what should I say about all the things now?? apa yg dah happen dkt dri aku now ni. jauh sgt dah aku pergi. sbb aku nk sgt kejar "appreciate every second that I've gone trough"

-,- help me to find the real truth. sahabat ialah yg sentiasa membawa ke syurga. bukan yg kita tarik bila kaki dia dah masuk syurga utk tolong kita yg dah separuh dkt neraka. nauzubillah. aku nk jd sahabat yg tarik tangan dia bila dia dah jatuh.

tetiba teringt kes 'tu'. time tu. mcm nk pelempang diri sendiri sbb tercakap mcm tu. mcm aku baik sgt. Alhamdulillah dia boleh terima apa adanya. walaupun. after that,, terjah dlm otak ni. aku xlayak sebenarnya nk ckp macam tu dekat dia. sbb. i'm not good enough. sorry baby. tersilap mukadimah time tu. i know i do hurt you. ton of sorry.

back to the main point. rasanya kena baca balik anthem tu for getting back my real sense. kesian dkt dash tu sbb kne sorok" belajar agama padahal in her identical card state there that she is ISLAM. same goes with En. Johari and Puan Mariah. n Haikal too. when Haikal know that she's wearing 'tudung'. it freak him out. tu belum time Lee keluar statement time brake up too. she's truly ADAMANTIUM. or should I call Dashmantium.

tp truly. deeply. Lee sgt" comel. dah boleh ganti Ked kat no. 2. still xleh kalahkan Benz Alif laaa.
that's why I deeply in love with Add Math.